Thursday, August 22, 2013

Same Parents, Totally Different Personalities

Now that my youngest is 8.5 months old and my oldest is almost 29 months old I'm getting a much better sense of just how different my two sons are:

 Here are some comparisons:

 Size: They can pretty much wear the same sizing in clothes now with some exceptions. My 2 year old is long and lanky and my 8 month old is big for his age, length and width and full of baby fat rolls!

 Eyes: 8 month old got the true baby blues and my 2 year old is a brown eyed boy. Both my hubby and I have a mixture, I'm hazel (brown with greenish tint) and his are lighter (green, with a bluish tint)

 Beach play:  My 2 year old still dislikes getting dirty and beaches and making sand castles are not really his cup of tea.  He's ok when there is a tool involved, aka using the shovel to put sand in a bucket, but the minute sand gets all over his fingers I hear "Mama, mama, my hands are dirty!"   [Um, yeah we are at the beach]
Meanwhile his brother is not one to sit calmly on the blanket.  He is off in less than a millisecond grabbing and pulling the sand into his hands and directly into his mouth!  Question to all parents of children like my youngest son:  Should I just let him consume the beach and hope he will eventually realize how disgusting sand is as a food source?  Or will he just continue to eat it until he chokes causing himself worse harm?  I ended up compromising with my 8 month old destructive force of nature and let him crawl on the wet sand by the water an immerse himself in a nice muddy mess, while my older son stood on the waters edge holding my hand and trying not to get too dirty.

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