Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More Words for our Tri Lingual Toddler!

**A few phrases I forgot to add to this list as of 7/18:

"Oh No!"  He says it soo perfectly with just the right concern in his voice and usually when something is dropped.  I love it!

"Uh oh"  This is a fairly new phrase which he has started to say more consistently.***

Our adorable now 15 month old is growing up rapidly.

Here are some more words he's added to his vocabulary:

"Aapple" - he definitely knows apple first and foremost stands for the green (granny smith) or red delicious apples you find in the store or in his big picture books.  He does think this word may also work for oranges, tomatoes or any other type of bright colored round fruit.  I've been trying to correct this but so far the words orange and tomato have not left his lips.  Yesterday I picked him up from his first day at daycare and he was sitting with 2 3 year old girls having a tea party with them, holding a fake orange, exclaiming "apple!"  The three year old immediately showed me she knew the difference between these confusing fruit.

             "Apple" Versus Apple 

"No, no, no, no"  -- loves to say this when he means no or when he means yes and wants something or everything he can't have.  When he wants something he holds his hand out at the object and frantically turns his wrist in a sort of grab/wave indicating he wants something over there, and probably something I will not give him.   I think we have been saying No a lot more in the last few months, since he's started doing all the things he shouldn't be doing: walking/running on the couch, climbing over the couch barriers we have in place to get to things like outlets, cables, TV, remotes and cell phones.  Now every time he says "No" and shakes his head, I say "Yes" and nod.

"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy"  -- the kid will walk around the apartment saying this to me to daddy, to the babysitter to his toys, to basically anyone or anything.  I try to respond so he will understand this is actually my name, but then after the 15th or 20th "mommy" in a row I usually give up.

"Dada" or "Baba" -- we think Baba might be Papa because he tends to say it to his father.  He certainly knows who Mama and Papa are because when we ask him he points to the correct person.

"Guitar" -- he doesn't actually say this correctly yet but he will say something close enough that I can understand

"Water" or "wagwa"  -- I think he's a little confused with saying this word correctly because his sitters are all spanish and they say Agua.  He understands both "agua" and "water" as well as "hoches peet" (which is do you want to drink" in Russian.

These are the words he speaks on a regular basis that actually make sense to us.  He will speak fluent conversations to us in his own language.  He will talk to himself and his toys as well.  We will ask him a question and he will respond and maybe point to something, but I or my husband will have no idea what he's saying.

He seems to understand a lot, definitely most of the basic stuff we say to him, in mostly English, some Russian, and probably a good amount of Spanish.  I don't actually know how much spanish he understands since I don't speak it.  I'm guessing it's probably more than I think, since he's around Spanish speaking all day when I'm at work.  If he can understand and speak English and 2 other languages pretty well by the time he hits pre-K, I think that will help my son a lot in the long run.  And since I only speak and understand English well, maybe soon I'll be learning from him!

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