Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What a difference a year makes

Here's a "then versus now" shot of my beautiful little boy swaddled like a little bug on 3/27/11

and now on 3/27/12.

 I tried to wrap him in the same receiving blanket and don him in his matching newborn cap.
As you can see he has grown and accomplished a good deal, mastering the tricky yet satisfying technique of nose picking.

Monday, March 26, 2012

1 Down, 17 to go!

So we have officially made it through one year!

Baby got sick for the first time, with the croup, right before his birthday.  So we almost made it through an entire year with out any illness... well other than his 2 months of hives from 4 month to 6 months old, but I won't count that.  The birthday boy really enjoyed his party.  I was a little worried and we kept the party count small, since he's been getting some separation from Mommy/Daddy and stranger anxiety recently.  But aside from a few chin quivers when grandpa and his great uncle tried to hold him he was really good with all the excitement.  He really enjoyed playing with his 3 year old cousin, who conveniently was also sick.  I'm sure a good deal of germs and snot was swapped at this event and I apologize to anyone who gets sick after this, but I did warn you!

"Mom, Dad, that just doesn't look safe"

A nice big balloon to pop

Smile for the camera, or not...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Baby versus Cat, and some other Favorite baby activities

These are the favorite activities of my almost one year old: 

#1- Chasing our scaredy cat Max around the entire apartment
#2- Trying to grab our cat Jack's paws and put his fingers in Jack's mouth
#3- Throw objects at our very patient cat, Jack
#4- Use the remote to turn the TV on and off and change channels
#5- Open and close doors
#6- Stand under the table, usually hitting his head
#7- Sing into empty bottles
#8- Yell in echoey hallways...so all the neighbors can hear
#9- Try to go anywhere we tell him he shouldn't go: in the kitchen, near the cats food and litter, to the piano, and to the area we keep the computer and TV cables
#10- Walk/Run, while falling, because he can't really walk yet into anything or anyone.  Most babies I've seen take baby steps very carefully and slowly to start walking.  This kid just tries to run at you while he loses balance and falls into you, or perhaps the floor if you aren't fast enough

the chase begins:

And continues around and around the apt until someone gets distracted

Friday, March 9, 2012

Baby Self Destruction needs some Full Body Armour

I imagine the conversation that would happen if my child were in a daycare or preschool.  My child enters the facility full of welts, scratches and other sorts of inflictions all over his body.  This would be my exchange with the responsible and concerned daycare coordinator:

Coordinator: "Ma'am your child came into school today looking like he fell down a flight of stairs.  Is your home properly baby proofed?"

Me:  "Yes.  My home is not the problem, it's my child.  We keep him contained in a padded enclosure in our living room with only his toys and the softest of objects.  Even in this padded baby cell, he still manages to scratch himself, fall down onto the floor, fall on himself and his toys, trap his fingers and other extremeties under any possible object, while holding the object on himself with the other hand until he screams.  He likes to go head first off of any height and doesn't understand the concept of gravity at all.  He seems to do anything in his power to inflict pain on himself.  I have looked for fully padded suits, or a helmet, but none are made in his size.  My next thought was to make a big container of one thick jello jiggler and keep him in it up to his neck until he grows out of this phase.  Although, I worry this might give him a diabetes problem later in life so I'm totally open to any other suggestions"