2 kids, ages 1 and almost 3, in a car for 3 days, 21 hours from NY to Miami, Florida.
We have done this trip before but never with toddler and never with just 2 drivers.
Our basic rules of the trip were:
When we need to stop, we stop. We made many frequent trips to McDonald's playplaces along route 95. Lucky for us there are many along this route
We were very flexible in our route. We had an itinerary in mind, but we adapted it as needed. Our motel bookings were all cheap with day of cancellations allowed. Miami was the only hotel we planned far in advance, the rest were little dingy places along the way.
We did not drive at night, because drivers need their beauty sleep and with only 2 drivers we tended to have the passenger awake to assist with kids and keep the driver alert. For this reason it took us 3 nights to get there and 3 nights to get back. We built this time into our trip.
Downloading the kids favorite videos on our phone gave us some piece and quiet during tense moments of the trip when we couldn't stop and this allowed us to cover some distance. The current favorite videos are Elmo and Thomas the Train. Unfortunately the 1 year old likes Elmo and the 3 year old likes Thomas, so this caused some disagreements on what to watch and we had to alternate to keep the backseat wailing to a minimum.
Some of our planned stops along the way included: Washington DC, Children's Museum in Richmond (this was a big hit), and Magnolia Plantation and Gardens near Charleston, SC (very beautiful in the spring and it has a petting zoo), Savannah, GA waterfront and parks, St. Augustine, FL (splash park at the pier) and of course Downtown Disney. We decided not to spend the big bucks on the real Disney since there is plenty for kids at the shops in Downtown Disney. They have a little train ride and all the characters in the store for them to get excited about. Stop we didn't particularly love: South of the Border. The food was so bad and it was really dead. I'm pretty sure I got food poisoning there. Great place to shoot a zombie movie. We did get some shot of the kids next to the animal statues and Pedro though.
Pictures from Magnolia Plantation and Gardens: