Our big bouncy baby boy arrived a few days early and showed up very fast. I had a much quicker labor with #2 than #1. I woke up at 3:45am feeling cramps that were only a few minutes apart and increased in intensity very fast. At 4:30am we had made it into the car with my father-in-law and just my luck a huge tractor trailer had made a wrong turn and got stuck on the bridge and we were stuck right in the center of the bridge--no traffic moving in either direction. I was on the floor of the backseat at that point just yelling. I believe I was screaming at my husband and father-in-law they needed to start moving that traffic along now! My husband left the car and ran to the front of the bridge to see about getting a police escort. My generally talkative and very opinionated father-in-law did not say a word that entire time. He was as silent as a mouse as I carried on in the back seat writhing in pain. I could have used something to keep my mind off the pain at that point and I remember thinking I need my husband to come back so he can count while I breathe through this.
In the end after a police escort and an ambulance ride with some very junior looking EMTs who did not look at all ready to assist in birthing a child if it came down to this, we made it too the hospital. Luckily my OBGYN was on the shift that morning and with the ambulance stretcher and EMTs I didn't have to wait in the waiting room and fill out paperwork this time, they brought me right in. This was how I should have done it the first time! (more about that episode later). After the resident determined my status (8 cm), and contractions about 1.5 min apart, she asked if I would like an epidural. Isn't it a little late for one? I really wanted the pain to go away, but what's the point if I would be pushing before then. The doctor came in and asked if I felt like pushing. I told her I did need to go #2 and #1. She said to wait. Well, I waiting until I couldn't anymore and then she said it was up to me if I wanted to try pushing. I told her I did, I wanted that kid out! She told me he was still a little high up but I should go for it if I wanted since this might help the pain. They didn't break the water this time even though the nurse got upset with me for moving with all the monitors strapped to my belly. The doctor was right, pushing did help ease the pain. The water didn't break until after his shoulders came out and I had no tearing. He was also bigger by almost a pound than my 1st, so go figure. It felt as if that sac acted as a cushion. I felt ok after giving birth, not like a chopped up piece of meat down there as I was the first round. Baby was healthy and we only stayed 1 night. Overall a much quicker and easier experience. My body knew what to do this time and I knew what to expect. Like they say, practice makes...well in birthing's case never perfect, but at least a little easier!